Since 2021, Waybler and LaddaTillsammans have mutually developed a strong partnership. The collaboration is built on a shared vision to deliver the highest possible quality to customers with good profitability for both parties.
LaddaTillsammans was founded in 2021 in Helsingborg in Sweden by Niklas Hilding, CEO, and Linus Blixt, Sales Manager. Since then, the company has had a successful journey. These successes are not due to chance; LaddaTillsammans has built its growth through hard work and well-founded strategic decisions.
Customer Focus and Quality
The world’s economic landscape has changed since LaddaTillsammans was founded a few years ago. But when asked about significant sales challenges in the future, Niklas doesn’t see it as a major obstacle.
-Yes, it’s true that we see changes in the market. However, for us, who prioritize quality and expertise in all aspects, the difference isn’t so pronounced. I can state that the time when anyone could start a charging station company is over. I don’t see the global economic situation as a greater risk for us, but rather an opportunity for us to prove our value. Those who excel in their category will survive and emerge stronger on the other side. I believe in focusing on what one does best, rather than spreading oneself too thin, says Niklas.
He is confident that LaddaTillsammans will continue to be a leading player in charging solution sales. The company, for example, has an impressive statistic showing that they convert over 50% of their booked site visits into actual orders and that they expect to reach 20 million SEK in revenue this year. A testament to the quality and relevant solutions LaddaTillsammans offers.
Quality, reliability, and sustainability are fundamental principles for LaddaTillsammans. This is reflected in positive customer reviews on Trustpilot, where customers unanimously praise their professional approach and punctual deliveries.
Change and Identity
The past year has been eventful for LaddaTillsammans. Not only in terms of successful business and a growing workforce but also in a comprehensive rebranding of their corporate identity. The rebranding aimed to find a visual expression that better reflects the company’s values and visions.
– Our previous profile was nothing more than a brand, but it served us well as a cornerstone during LaddaTillsammans’ establishment. Now we have identified our unique identity and core values, and in line with this, we have created a profile that better reflects our self-image and principles, explains Niklas.
Strong Partnership with Waybler
-We look with joy and pride at the development and growth of our partnership with LaddaTillsammans. Waybler has been a partner to LaddaTillsammans since 2021, and I continue to be impressed by their customer focus and expertise in electric vehicle charging. I look forward with great optimism to our shared future with LaddaTillsammans, where we share the vision of an ideal charging solution for our customers, says Jonas Wånander, Partner Account Manager at Waybler.
In a partnership with Waybler, the partner can offer Waybler’s patented software solutions and hardware in their offering to customers. In addition, access to reliable and dedicated support is provided throughout the partnership.
– We love collaborating with Waybler. We feel a strong drive to deliver high quality together and achieve our common goals. For us, one of the most valuable aspects of our partnership is their responsiveness to our needs and their quick support, always ready to solve any challenges that arise during our journey, concludes Niklas Hilding.
Read more about LaddaTillsammans here.
Read more about the benefits of partnering with Waybler here.