This is how we electrify
the urban environment
– Waybler street charging.
Street charging that thinks outside the charging box
The electric vehicle transition is no longer a vision for the future, it has been underway for a long time. However, a significant challenge remains – how do we electrify the urban environment?
If we’re to meet the demands everyone who needs to charge their cars, today’s costly methods will not be sufficient. It requires innovative thinking and a broader perspective. That’s why Waybler exists.
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The road to an electrified future
In just a few years, we will have over a million electric vehicles in Sweden. In the next ten years, over 100,000 new charging stations are needed just in Stockholm.
It’s not enough to consider individual needs. We must understand that everyone should be able to charge at a reasonable cost. That’s why our efforts have been rewarded with Stockholm City’s innovation competition for street charging.
Scalable and cost efficient — here’s how Waybler street charging works
Two patented solutions that together cut costs for everyone. With hollowed-out curbstones instead of expensive groundwork, and with Waybler’s unique load balancing, you can operate and scale charging points in the city in an entirely new way.