Waybler —
Charging for
Make your property more attractive and increase its value and revenue by providing electric vehicle charging facilities near parking areas.
The development of electric vehicles is progressing most rapidly among businesses. As a landlord for offices or other commercial spaces, offering charging options is a great way to meet the market demand.
Charging is also an effective way to boost revenue from parking spaces. Conditions, access permissions, and pricing for various users, such as tenants and visitors, can be easily managed through Waybler’s administrative portal.
Waybler Connect —
charging service for most charging boxes and all needs
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Higher Innovation,
Lower Cost
Waybler’s solution is optimized for charging in the workplace. Our innovative load balancing lets you charge more vehicles on existing power, avoiding costly power peaks.
Expand charging possibilities for employees and visitors as well as your own vehicle fleet. We provide you with a customized 360-degree solution, including multiple services ranging from administration to user app.